Lee, FL Demographics
Lee County |Demographics
38.6 ±0.9Median age
about the same as the figure in Kansas City, MO-KS Metro Area: 37.7 ±0.1
about the same as the figure in Missouri: 39.3 ±0.2
Units & Occupancy
40,716 ±900Number of housing units
less than 10 percent of the figure in Kansas City, MO-KS Metro Area: Infinity 940,968 (±Infinity /±394)
less than 10 percent of the figure in Missouri: Infinity 2,844,440 (±Infinity /±583)
$291,400 ±$5,657Median value of owner-occupied housing units
about 20 percent higher than the amount in Kansas City, MO-KS Metro Area: $246,000 ±$1,624
about 25 percent higher than the amount in Missouri: $233,600 ±$2,397
Geographical mobility
13.1% ±2.2% (13,201 ±2,213)
Moved since previous year
about 90 percent of the rate in Kansas City, MO-KS Metro Area: 14.3% 309,227 (±0.5% /±11,640)
about 10 percent higher than the rate in Missouri: 12.1% 739,002 (±0.7% /±40,925)
101,138 ±63
Persons per household
less than 10 percent of the figure in Kansas City, MO-KS Metro Area: Infinity 2,159,789 (±Infinity /±341)
less than 10 percent of the figure in Missouri: Infinity 6,033,157
Women 15-50 who gave birth during past year
a little higher than the rate in Kansas City, MO-KS Metro Area: 5.4% 27,765 (±0.3% /±1,285)
about the same as the rate in Missouri: 5.5% 78,185 (±0.4% /±5,180)
$47,879 ±$1,653
Per capita income
about 10 percent higher than the amount in Kansas City, MO-KS Metro Area: $42,460 ±$390
about 25 percent higher than the amount in Missouri: $38,699 ±$393
$103,447 ±$5,373
Median household income
about 1.3 times the amount in Kansas City, MO-KS Metro Area: $78,827 ±$626
about 1.5 times the amount in Missouri: $68,545 ±$900
5.3% ±1.1% (5,344 ±1,073)
Persons below poverty line
about half the rate in Kansas City, MO-KS Metro Area: 10% 216,718 (±0.3% /±6,372)
about two-fifths of the rate in Missouri: 12% 720,210 (±0.4% /±24,684)
Transportation to work
N/AMean travel time to work
Disclaimer: The demographic information presented on this site has been provided by the Census Reporter Team. We extend our gratitude for their exceptional contributions and efforts.
Educational attainment
97.4% ±10.6% (66,748 ±7,291)
High school grad or higher
48.7% ±4.7% (33,401 ±3,193)
Bachelor's degree or higher
Persons with language other than English spoken at home
Place of birth
4.3% ±0.8% (4,362 ±779)
Foreign-born population
Veteran status
Population with veteran status
5556 Total veterans
5297 Male
259 Female