Best investment! This assisted living facility in the south end of miami-dade county is a great moneymaker for someone looking for a business that almost runs itself. Beds are always full, including shared and private rooms. The facility is impeccably clean, from all flooring to the kitchen, dining area, and ada-compliant bathrooms. Staff also have their own bathroom. All social areas for patients are extremely comfortable, including a tv/media room, dining hall, and outdoor patio for fresh air and relaxation. The business is professionally run, with all licenses and permits in place, and the owner has all financials in order. Underground utilities and a full generator make this the perfect business. Please see mlx a11727691 for all bushiness information. Need 24 hour notice to view
Price per square foot and days on website are not provided values and are calculated by Subdivisions.
Listed by Miguel Solis • Douglas Elliman • Buyer Agency Compensation .
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